Inför strandsäsongen ökar aktiviteten på de sajter som saluför olagliga dopingpreparat.
– Många tjejer intresserar sig för efedrin i bantningssyfte. De vill ha den här smala Calvin Klein-kroppen med synliga muskler, säger Cecilia Fant på rikskriminalen.
Polisen och tullens beslag av dopingklassade preparat har ökat. En tydlig trend är att användarna blir allt yngre. Och sedan några år finns en ny grupp missbrukare: unga tjejer som snabbt vill fixa formen.
– Man ser på nätet att intresset bland tjejer ökar. De frågar om vilka medel de ska ta för att snabbt gå ner i vikt. Och jag tror det kommer att öka mer under sommarsäsongen. Dessutom ser man att steroider ökar bland kvinnor i USA och då brukar det bli så här, säger Cecilia Fant på rikskriminalen.
Biverkningarna kommer fort
Även Dopingjouren upplever ett ökat allmänt tryck inför sommaren. I april börjar telefonerna ringa.
– Biverkningarna kommer fort hos kvinnor, de börjar byta kön och far väldigt illa av missbruk av anabola androgena steroider. Redan efter ett par, tre veckor kan biverkningarna komma, säger Ann-Mari Thurelius på Dopingjouren.
Hon säger att det fortfarande är en majoritet män som hör av sig till dem. Men 2004 skedde en tydlig förändring med fler samtal från kvinnor som fått problem av dopingmissbruk.
– Bland tjejerna är det vanligare att ta medel som efedrin och clenbuterol, säger Ann-Mari Thurelius.
Förbjudna i Sverige
Clenbuterol och efedrin klassas som läkemedel och är, liksom anabola androgena steroider (AAS), förbjudna att köpa och sälja i Sverige. Efedrin finns i vissa receptbelagda astma- och hostmediciner och är ett centralstimulerande medel som dämpar känslor av hunger och trötthet. Clenbuterol, som är helt förbjudet sedan 1992fördelar om fettet och spränger in det i musklerna.
Cecilia Fant tror att det är kroppsfixeringen som gör att många inte kan motstå den farliga genvägen.
– Det är ett sånt ideal nu, Calvin Klein-kroppen som är lite större än en friidrottare och med deffade muskler som man kan se. Få kan få det på naturlig väg. Och då finns det de som vill ta genvägar, säger Cecilia Fant.
Två grupper av missbrukare
Enligt henne finns det två huvudgrupper av dopingmissbrukare. I den ena gruppen finns personer som ofta är kända av polisen sedan tidigare, ofta för narkotikabrott. Den andra gruppen är ofta yngre personer som tidigare inte begått brott. Många av dem tränar och äter rätt – men kan inte motstå genvägen till den perfekta kroppen och fastnar i en spiral av droger.
– De tar efedrin som bantningmedel, steroider för att få snygga muskler och viagra för att de får problem med potensen. För så är det med steroider, efter ett tag får man ofta problem med lusten, säger Cecilia Fant.
Förutom alla fysiska biverkningar drabbas många som dopar sig av svåra psykiska problem. De blir avtrubbade, ofta med misshandel och våldsbrott som följd.
– För mig är det klart att det finns ett samband mellan steroider och våldsbrott.
Köper på nätet
Dopingpreparaten köps och säljs på nätet. Ofta står servern utomlands och den illegala handeln är svår att komma åt. På olika forum utbyts tips om vilka preparat man ska välja.
– Jag tycker personligen att dopingbrott är lika allvarligt som narkotikabrott. Så jag hoppas att lagen ska ändrat så att maxstraffet blir åtta års fängelse, precis som det är för narkotikabrott, säger Cecilia Fant.
Publicerad: 2009-05-25 Aftonbladet/Vendela --Helena Utter
Foto: Calvin Klein-kroppen – ett ideal för många.
tisdag 26 maj 2009
måndag 25 maj 2009
One powerful man who does seem to be on top of things
ATHLETICS: THERE IS nothing worse than meeting a man with a big reputation who fails to live up to it. Especially when that reputation includes being a deluded, stiff-collared bureaucrat who talks only in disconnected gibberish. It’s a terrible reminder that you can’t always believe what you read in the papers.
But even sitting in a plush bar at the Shelbourne Hotel this week, Jacques Rogge appeared far from stiff, and certainly not deluded. Rogge may not be the most powerful man in world sport, but he can’t be far off. As president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), he’s effectively in charge of the biggest sporting event on the planet, even if that comes round only every four years.
Rogge took charge in July 2001, succeeding Juan Antonio Samaranch – a man with a big reputation of his own. Since then he has, more or less, managed to avoid any of the Olympic controversies that crippled his predecessors, with the exception of those semi-staged protests that ambushed the run-up to Beijing. But then Usain Bolt went and ran 9.69 seconds for the 100 metres – dancing, hysterical, oblivious – and Rogge walked himself right into controversy.
“That’s not the way we perceive being a champion,” he said of Bolt’s celebratory antics. “I think he should show more respect for his competitors.”Ouch – and every sportswriter went to town, labelling Rogge as being so aloof and so far out of touch with the sport that he must be still basing his Olympic ideals on Chariots of Fire, complete with some draconian code of ethics.
Bolt’s showmanship in Beijing wasn’t just what athletics wanted: it was what it needed. The sport, particularly sprinting, was on life support after the damning impact of Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Dwain Chambers and company – not that we ever believed in them – and if no one in Beijing had come to the rescue they may as well have called in the local priest.
What Bolt did for athletics in Beijing was like what The Beatles did for music in the 1960s. He didn’t break any rules, because he didn’t see any rules to be broken. He was just being himself, even if that meant clowning around before the start of the 100 metres, winning the thing easing up, before single-handedly turning the Bird’s Nest into one giant dance floor.
If there were any lingering doubts about the Jamaican’s superstar status then he answered them in Manchester last Sunday. Two weeks and four days after he flipped his BMW M3 on the main highway into Kingston (where, with trademark coolness, his only injury resulted from stepping on thorns while gracefully exiting the wreckage) Bolt showed up for a circus event on Manchester’s main street. They laid down a 150-metre track, and figured Bolt could set the thing alight.
What Bolt did in Manchester last Sunday was the most exciting 15 seconds of athletics this year. Or 14.35 seconds, to be exact, as that was how long it took him to cover the 150 metres, and erase the record of 14.80 which had stood to Italy’s Pietro Mennea since 1983. If you haven’t seen it, definitely look it up on YouTube.
Part of that excitement was anticipating how fast Bolt could run this summer. He declared himself “only 70 per cent fit” arriving in Manchester, yet ran the first 100 metres in 9.90 seconds, while the second 100 metres, from 50 to 150 metres, was clocked in an astonishing 8.72 seconds. You do the math, but when Bolt says he can run 9.4 for the 100 metres this summer then perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised when he does.
Is Rogge actually that far out of touch with sport that he still feels Bolt needs to tone down this attitude? “Of course not,” he told me, with a vaguely roguish appearance of an old Hollywood movie star. Rogge was in Dublin on Wednesday to unveil a bust of another of his predecessors, Lord Killanin, outside the Olympic Council of Ireland office, and not only did he seem in touch with sport, he seemed right on top of it.
“Maybe there was a little bit of a misunderstanding. I was reacting to the fact that he made certain gestures during the race in Beijing (and Rogge lowers his arms) like, you know, ‘catch me if you can’ or something like that.
“What he does before or after the race I have no problem with. I just thought that his gesticulation during the race was maybe a little disrespectful. But I understand as well that he’s a young athlete, and that he will evolve. But I also know Usain disagrees with me, says he wasn’t showing disrespect. That closes the matter for me.
“There is always a great buzz around the 100 metres. It’s visual, it’s explosive. And you need heroes, idols, for any sport to be popular. Just like Brian O’Driscoll in rugby.”
See – he’s even in touch with Irish rugby. Rogge simply says it as he sees it, and, if that sounds a little old-fashioned at times, what harm? He actually opened a debate on drugs, and whether the IOC are winning that war.
“There have been many innuendos, about Bolt, and about Michael Phelps as well. Both have been retested again. And both are totally clean.
“We did find some positive results after retesting of samples from Beijing. It’s another battle we have won. Will we win the war? Of course not. We’re not under any illusions here. We live in the real world. We don’t live in a utopia.
“Doping is to sport what criminality is to society. Criminality will never disappear, and nor will doping. We will always need police, judges and so forth, to reduce criminality to the lowest possible level, and our duty is to reduce doping to the lowest possible level. And I think we are making inroads into doing that.”
Rogge was also realistic enough to admit we can never be sure of the authenticity of those who make it onto the Olympic podium: “It’s always sad when the legitimate athlete doesn’t get to stand on the podium, have the national anthem played, and all the emotion around that. But talk to the athletes who have got medals because the doping offenders were caught. I have talked to them. They are damn happy that this is happening, because it’s better than being cheated for the rest of your life.”
If, as we agreed, Bolt keeps going the way he’s going all the way to London 2012, then the sport couldn’t be in better hands. Not even a deluded, stiff-collared bureaucrat could deny that.
© 2009 The Irish Times
Sat, May 23, 2009
Dopingdebatt 2009
onsdag 20 maj 2009
Scientist vs. scientist: the good guys try to root out the doper’s bad guys
The European Union’s Anti-Doping Conference in Athens brought together the major players in the realm of the fight against drug cheating in sports, including academics, politicians, scientists and the key stakeholders, including representatives of sports governmental authorities. It was the idea of a Greek Member of the European Parliament, Manolis Mavrommatis. Others at the two-day event in Athens included national anti-doping organisations of EU countries, accredited laboratories, athlete trade unions, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as well as the World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists (WAADS,) which is based in Germany.
The conference was part of the European Commission’s plan to fight doping in sports and followed implementation of the so-called Pierre de Coubertin (founder of the modern Olympic games) Action Plan which is contained in the 2007 White Paper on Sport prepared by Mavrommatis. There were three key workshops where ideas were exchanged, sometimes with a sharp degree of debate, as WADA wants unannounced tests of athletes, which many EU countries are fighting because they said it violates the athlete’s right to privacy, putting anti-doping agencies at odds with governments trying to protect their athletes.
The workshop included one on data protection, which pitted those forces against each other, cooperation between anti-doping groups and pharmaceutical companies, and a laboratory workshop. Foremost in the fight are the scientists of WAADS who find themselves trying to stay one step ahead of drug cheats and athletes who use rogue scientists to devise undetectable drugs. WAADS President Costas Georgakopoulos stopped to talk to NEtv’s Andy Dabilis about his group’s role in the fight.
Greece is especially attuned to the problem of doping in Athletics, having seen even gold medalistsbeing stripped. Do you feel the fight is being won or lost, because people become more sophisticated in the desire to cheat?
This is true, because technology is improving and that means classical doping agents are more easily detected now. And this makes, creates the need for cheaters to move for the more sophisticated drugs like new drugs, illegal drugs that are synthesised in an illegal laboratories and from the laboratory bench directly go to the athlete’s body. And this creates new needs to the laboratory in order to have more wide detection methods that mean not to detect only the known substances but at least have some information that in the samples are included substances that are not detected.
You mentioned synthetic; is the problem that because people able to devise artificial drugs? Is it more difficult than finding naturally-occuring substances?
Both are important problems because a substance effected in the body, can be changed in lot of sides in the molecule in order to become either more effective or just to become different from an equally effective molecule that’s known and the target of this change, the last change is only that the substance becomes undetected because it becomes unknown to the laboratory. So it’s kind of a cat-mouse game. You detect, they find a new drug, you detect, they find a new drug… Unfortunately, we are in this circle now. And the other point that you raised is also that important that the athletes know that when they are taking exogenously endogenous substances than the laboratories sometimes are in front of difficulty to detect if this high level of endogenous substances coming from exogenous application or they’re naturally endogenous for this particular athlete. That’s why, WAADS and important media-sensitive international federations like the Cycling Federation have, are now in the procedure of introducing the … passport, which is a new tool and new, let’s say technology.
Other undetectable drugs, is it just a matter of time until you find them?
Yes, should be, should exist undetectable drugs…
There are undetectable drugs?
Yes, should exist, of course… undetectable, you mean when the test is performed?
No, are the drugs undetectable, so that there are indeed the athletes who will be using drugs, who will never be caught and will have tainted medals, or tainted achievements?
You know that, undetectable practice that is like the … blood transfusion, blood transfusion that is based on the blood of the athletes itself. So, this unfortunately, this method cannot be directly be detected, but indirectly through the athlete’s passport can be detected. So, this is one point that in future the anti-doping system should invest time and effort and funds and the infrastructure in order to create individual profiles; starting to detect steroids abuse, starting to detect blood parameters that are connected with undetected blood doping, like … blood transfusion or in the future probably to detect gin doping, which is not reality now, but it’s something that is coming in the next 10 or 15 years.
Interview with: Costas Georgakopoulos, President World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists 18 May 2009 - Issue : 834
Picture:The World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists President Costas Georgakopoulos (L) stopped to talk to NEtv at the first EU Conference on Anti-Doping, in Athens, May 13
Dopingdebatt 2009
måndag 18 maj 2009
Kohl, Rasmussen Allegedly Helped Others Dope
VIENNA (AP) -- Prosecutors in Austria are investigating whether banned cyclists Bernhard Kohl of Austria and Michael Rasmussen of Denmark helped other athletes with blood doping.
Kohl and Rasmussen allegedly possessed a centrifuge for blood enrichment.
If they lent the equipment to other athletes, they could face criminal charges under Austria's anti-doping laws and prison terms of up to five years.
Police found the centrifuge earlier this year at the house of Kohl's former manager, Stefan Matschiner.
Vienna State prosecution spokesman Gerhard Jarosch said Monday authorities are investigating everyone involved in purchasing the equipment.
Rasmussen and Kohl have each been banned for two years for doping offenses at the Tour de France in 2007 and 2008.
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - Filed at 9:23 a.m. ET
Doping i Sport 2009
Dopingheadlines in short!
Boonen ready to challenge Tour exclusion in court
The Tour de France doesn't want Tom Boonen, but the Quick Step rider is willing to go to court to force the race to accept him. The team, however, has said that it assumes Boonen would not start in the Tour. Boonen recently tested positive for cocaine in an out-of-competition control.
Olympic ski champion allegedly used blood doping
Prosecutors in Austria are investigating possible blood doping by 2002 Olympic cross-country ski champion Christian Hoffmann. Austrian Criminal Intelligence Service spokesman Gerald Tatzgern told the Austria Press Agency on Sunday that prosecutors have "reasonable suspicion" that the 34-year-old Hoffmann was involved in illegal blood enrichment. Hoffmann won gold in the 30-kilometer race at the 2002 Salt Lake City Games.
MORE than 7,500 drug tests were carried out on Britain's top sport stars in the past year, the latest figures have revealed. About 62 per cent of the 7,545 tests were conducted out of competition and there were 32 doping test failures in the year to March, UK Sport said.
EU, WADA to intensify talks on data protection
Officials from the EU and World Anti-Doping Agency promised Friday to intensify talks on privacy disputes, warning that continued disagreement could hurt global cooperation in catching drug cheats.
"We're never going to have full peace. There will always be something that will be discussed. But we don't have a conflict ... whereas two weeks ago I would say that we had conflict," WADA director general David Howman said in an interview
The Clean Sport Initiative is providing a forum to discuss accidental doping in sport at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa, May 26, 2009. As Liliana Begg of the Clean Sport Initiative says, “Honest, hard-working athletes who would never knowingly take a banned substance have ended up testing positive because they took a nutritional supplement that was accidentally contaminated. The fear of this happening to them stalks all athletes who have devoted their lives to their sport and their dreams of becoming world champions.”
The Tour de France doesn't want Tom Boonen, but the Quick Step rider is willing to go to court to force the race to accept him. The team, however, has said that it assumes Boonen would not start in the Tour. Boonen recently tested positive for cocaine in an out-of-competition control.
Olympic ski champion allegedly used blood doping
Prosecutors in Austria are investigating possible blood doping by 2002 Olympic cross-country ski champion Christian Hoffmann. Austrian Criminal Intelligence Service spokesman Gerald Tatzgern told the Austria Press Agency on Sunday that prosecutors have "reasonable suspicion" that the 34-year-old Hoffmann was involved in illegal blood enrichment. Hoffmann won gold in the 30-kilometer race at the 2002 Salt Lake City Games.
MORE than 7,500 drug tests were carried out on Britain's top sport stars in the past year, the latest figures have revealed. About 62 per cent of the 7,545 tests were conducted out of competition and there were 32 doping test failures in the year to March, UK Sport said.
EU, WADA to intensify talks on data protection
Officials from the EU and World Anti-Doping Agency promised Friday to intensify talks on privacy disputes, warning that continued disagreement could hurt global cooperation in catching drug cheats.
"We're never going to have full peace. There will always be something that will be discussed. But we don't have a conflict ... whereas two weeks ago I would say that we had conflict," WADA director general David Howman said in an interview
The Clean Sport Initiative is providing a forum to discuss accidental doping in sport at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa, May 26, 2009. As Liliana Begg of the Clean Sport Initiative says, “Honest, hard-working athletes who would never knowingly take a banned substance have ended up testing positive because they took a nutritional supplement that was accidentally contaminated. The fear of this happening to them stalks all athletes who have devoted their lives to their sport and their dreams of becoming world champions.”
Doping i Sport 2009
onsdag 13 maj 2009
Gatlin ready to release beast inside!
U.S. sprinter Justin Gatlin was once the top sprinter in the world. He was the 2004 Olympic 100m gold medalist and the 2005 world champion in the 100m and 200m. He also tied Asafa Powell’s 9.77 100m world record on May 12, 2006.
Today, Gatlin is living in the Atlanta, Ga. area and works as a speed training specialist while he serves a four-year suspension from competition after testing positive for a testosterone or its precursors on April 22, 2006. He announced earlier this year that he plans to return to competition when his suspension ends July 25, 2010.
Universal Sports Senior Editor Dave Ungrady recently met with Gatlin and his coach Trevor Graham in exclusive and extended interviews and has compiled a series of stories about the runner’s fall from glory. Ungrady reviewed hundreds of pages of hearings transcripts, court documents and police reports and reviewed hours of secretly recorded phone calls. He also interviewed dozens of coaches, agents, athletes, marketing representatives and attorneys.
At the beginning of a dinner amid the cozy surroundings inside an Italian chain restaurant in suburban Atlanta, Ga. in February, in a move that did not surprise his mother, exiled American sprinter Justin Gatlin let down his defenses.
Minutes after Gatlin sat down to start talking about the last two and a half years of his life, a German woman in her early 20s approached as our waitress as we prepared for dinner. We greeted her with “Wie gehts”, which in German means ‘how are you?’ “Ah, gut,” she replied. An exotic, mixed-race beauty reflected her Somalian heritage and accented a pleasant smile. An emboldened Gatlin then commented, “Ich liebe dich,” which means ‘I love you’.
“Ah”, she said with grace and a smile and perplexed about how to further respond.
Gatlin smiled back, seemingly content with his retort. Jeannette Gatlin, Justin’s mother, reacted to the story with maternal bewilderment when told about it a few days later.
“That’s Justin,” she says of her son during a phone interview. “Justin has no defense mechanism. He takes people at face value. I told him in high school, ‘how many times does somebody have to steal your wallet out of the locker room to know that people steal? His answer was, ‘well, I wouldn’t do it. Why should anybody else?’ ”
In the minds of Gatlin and his mother, the sprinter’s lack of defenses helped contribute to his current quandary as a track and field drug offender hoping to revive what was once a utopian career.
During the dinner, Gatlin explained his congenial communication with the waitress. “I’m sociable, I’m approachable. If I meet you, I’m like, ‘hey man, let’s grab a drink’,” says Gatlin, flashing a shy smile. “But ever since all this happened to me, I’ve been kind of reluctant for a lot of reasons to be sociable to strangers. You can’t be cool with everybody. They have their intentions. Ever since [the positive test], I thought, ‘I don’t have a defense mechanism’. I tried so hard for everybody to love me and like me. Look where it got me.”
It’s placed Gatlin from the glorious days of track and field sprint dominance in a new town embarking on fresh and unexpected ventures. It has also created in Gatlin a vengeful drive to return to the sport once his suspension ends in July 2010.
“I always wanted to come back,” he says. “I feel like there’s a beast inside me waiting to come out. I’m ready to run, ready to upset the track world. I want to turn track and field upside down and win races. I’m going to go out there and target every top athlete there is and pick them off one by one. There are a lot of people who don’t want to see me run, don’t want to see me do good.”
Many wonder how Gatlin will recover from his forced running retreat. He steadfastly maintains his innocence from the second offense that led to his current four-year suspension, claiming that the banned substance was placed in his body without his knowledge.
For now, Gatlin lives simply and patiently awaits a return to competition. He resides in a three-bedroom apartment in Duluth, Ga, a northeast Atlanta suburb. He is a business partner with the company Global Sports Performance, concentrating on speed training young athletes in football, baseball, soccer and track and field, and works out of a small facility not far from his apartment.
“I teach kids about biomechanics, drive phase, transition, acceleration, wasted movement,” Gatlin says. “I’ve always had the love for working with kids.”
He hosts a youth track and field meet in Pensacola, Fl., where he grew up. It was at that meet earlier this year when Gatlin announced his intentions to return to competition in 2010. He trains almost daily, including track sessions several times a week.
Gatlin has resumed school, taking online sociology classes and needs to complete 12 credit hours to graduate. Further, his off-the-track interests have evolved. He says he’s been writing a script for a TV pilot that would tell the story of a music mogul’s rise from adversity and he’s wrote a treatment for a reality show about his life outside of track and field.
Curiosities surround Gatlin’s positive test. Before 2006, Gatlin was promoted as a visible spokesperson for winning with integrity, which included speaking out against doping and taking responsibility for his actions.
Not knowing about the source of the steroid shows an uncharacteristic lack of awareness by Gatlin, who practiced meticulous methods to ensure no illegal substances entered his body.
“From 2003 I’ve taken the same supplements from the same vitamin shop,” he says. “Nothing was air mailed to me, nothing was packaged. Nothing was dropped to my door. I got all that stuff myself. “
Jeff Hartwig, a two-time U.S. Olympic pole-vaulter who retired from competition last year at age 41, is a staunch supporter of strict anti-doping rules and has served on USA Track and Field athlete’s advisory committee. His reaction of shock to the news about Gatlin’s positive test was common in the track and field community.
“Of all the people who ever tested positive, Justin was never a name that came up prior to testing positive,” he says. “He was not a typically flamboyant sprinter as some of those guys can be. He was a very nice, humble guy. That was a quality that made him very likeable on the international circuit. It really caught a lot of people off guard.”
Two-time U.S. Olympian Darvis Patton, who ran in the 100-meter final at the 2008 Beijing Games at the age of 30, says he thought news of Gatlin testing positive was a rumor. “Guys that tested positive in the past were kind of prima donnas,” Patton says. “When they tested positive, it was like, ‘whatever.’ But when Justin tested positive, it was, ‘ah, no, not Gat’ ”.
U.S. runner Moushoumi Robinson, a gold medalist in the 4x400-meter relay at the 2004 Athens Olympics, was a training partner with Gatlin under coach Trevor Graham at the Sprint Capitol Track Club and called Gatlin a great friend who she “loves dearly”. She says it’s still hard to believe that Gatlin tested positive for a banned substance.
“I remember a conversation that Justin and I had after it happened,” she says. “I asked him straight up, ‘what happened?’ He absolutely said, ‘I have no idea.’ I was shocked.”
It hasn’t helped Gatlin that he chose to stay with a Graham after the coach admitted sending a drug-tainted syringe to federal authorities in 2003, triggering the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO) investigation, and after several of Graham’s athletes were linked to BALCO.
Many of Graham’s former athletes, including former Olympic sprint champion Marion Jones, claim Graham supplied them with banned performance enhancing substances. Graham denies culpability for his athletes’ testing positive and was later found guilty of lying to federal authorities investigating BALCO.
A person who has worked with some of Graham’s athletes and knows the coach well says Graham’s claims of innocence lack credibility. “There’s not another coach out there with that many athletes who tested positive and all of them are lying and you’re just a victim? That doesn’t add up,” he says. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.
Gatlin did not feel suspicious of Graham. “I felt that he wasn’t giving me anything and I wasn’t taking anything for him,” he says. "He wasn’t putting his hands on me. And early in the 2005 season we sat down together as a team. He was saying 'I’m not wrapped up in that stuff.' It was reassuring. A lot of us were so focused on running."
Asafa Powell set the 100-meter world record in June 2005, 10 months before Gatlin tested positive. At the time of the positive test, Jamaican Asafa Powell was the world record holder in the 100 meters whiel Gatlin held the world title and Olympic gold.
Was the temptation to be the undeniable king of the sprints enough for Gatlin to use drugs, even unknowingly? Is Gatlin a victim of convoluted circumstances that were out of his control? Or is he a uniquely gifted con man who has fooled us with his appealing personality and impassioned claim of innocence?
One thing is certain. He headlines a cast of characters that comprise a mysteriously compelling, confusing and complex track and field drama.
Mon May 11, 2009 By Dave Ungrady/Universal Sports
Today, Gatlin is living in the Atlanta, Ga. area and works as a speed training specialist while he serves a four-year suspension from competition after testing positive for a testosterone or its precursors on April 22, 2006. He announced earlier this year that he plans to return to competition when his suspension ends July 25, 2010.
Universal Sports Senior Editor Dave Ungrady recently met with Gatlin and his coach Trevor Graham in exclusive and extended interviews and has compiled a series of stories about the runner’s fall from glory. Ungrady reviewed hundreds of pages of hearings transcripts, court documents and police reports and reviewed hours of secretly recorded phone calls. He also interviewed dozens of coaches, agents, athletes, marketing representatives and attorneys.
At the beginning of a dinner amid the cozy surroundings inside an Italian chain restaurant in suburban Atlanta, Ga. in February, in a move that did not surprise his mother, exiled American sprinter Justin Gatlin let down his defenses.
Minutes after Gatlin sat down to start talking about the last two and a half years of his life, a German woman in her early 20s approached as our waitress as we prepared for dinner. We greeted her with “Wie gehts”, which in German means ‘how are you?’ “Ah, gut,” she replied. An exotic, mixed-race beauty reflected her Somalian heritage and accented a pleasant smile. An emboldened Gatlin then commented, “Ich liebe dich,” which means ‘I love you’.
“Ah”, she said with grace and a smile and perplexed about how to further respond.
Gatlin smiled back, seemingly content with his retort. Jeannette Gatlin, Justin’s mother, reacted to the story with maternal bewilderment when told about it a few days later.
“That’s Justin,” she says of her son during a phone interview. “Justin has no defense mechanism. He takes people at face value. I told him in high school, ‘how many times does somebody have to steal your wallet out of the locker room to know that people steal? His answer was, ‘well, I wouldn’t do it. Why should anybody else?’ ”
In the minds of Gatlin and his mother, the sprinter’s lack of defenses helped contribute to his current quandary as a track and field drug offender hoping to revive what was once a utopian career.
During the dinner, Gatlin explained his congenial communication with the waitress. “I’m sociable, I’m approachable. If I meet you, I’m like, ‘hey man, let’s grab a drink’,” says Gatlin, flashing a shy smile. “But ever since all this happened to me, I’ve been kind of reluctant for a lot of reasons to be sociable to strangers. You can’t be cool with everybody. They have their intentions. Ever since [the positive test], I thought, ‘I don’t have a defense mechanism’. I tried so hard for everybody to love me and like me. Look where it got me.”
It’s placed Gatlin from the glorious days of track and field sprint dominance in a new town embarking on fresh and unexpected ventures. It has also created in Gatlin a vengeful drive to return to the sport once his suspension ends in July 2010.
“I always wanted to come back,” he says. “I feel like there’s a beast inside me waiting to come out. I’m ready to run, ready to upset the track world. I want to turn track and field upside down and win races. I’m going to go out there and target every top athlete there is and pick them off one by one. There are a lot of people who don’t want to see me run, don’t want to see me do good.”
Many wonder how Gatlin will recover from his forced running retreat. He steadfastly maintains his innocence from the second offense that led to his current four-year suspension, claiming that the banned substance was placed in his body without his knowledge.
For now, Gatlin lives simply and patiently awaits a return to competition. He resides in a three-bedroom apartment in Duluth, Ga, a northeast Atlanta suburb. He is a business partner with the company Global Sports Performance, concentrating on speed training young athletes in football, baseball, soccer and track and field, and works out of a small facility not far from his apartment.
“I teach kids about biomechanics, drive phase, transition, acceleration, wasted movement,” Gatlin says. “I’ve always had the love for working with kids.”
He hosts a youth track and field meet in Pensacola, Fl., where he grew up. It was at that meet earlier this year when Gatlin announced his intentions to return to competition in 2010. He trains almost daily, including track sessions several times a week.
Gatlin has resumed school, taking online sociology classes and needs to complete 12 credit hours to graduate. Further, his off-the-track interests have evolved. He says he’s been writing a script for a TV pilot that would tell the story of a music mogul’s rise from adversity and he’s wrote a treatment for a reality show about his life outside of track and field.
Curiosities surround Gatlin’s positive test. Before 2006, Gatlin was promoted as a visible spokesperson for winning with integrity, which included speaking out against doping and taking responsibility for his actions.
Not knowing about the source of the steroid shows an uncharacteristic lack of awareness by Gatlin, who practiced meticulous methods to ensure no illegal substances entered his body.
“From 2003 I’ve taken the same supplements from the same vitamin shop,” he says. “Nothing was air mailed to me, nothing was packaged. Nothing was dropped to my door. I got all that stuff myself. “
Jeff Hartwig, a two-time U.S. Olympic pole-vaulter who retired from competition last year at age 41, is a staunch supporter of strict anti-doping rules and has served on USA Track and Field athlete’s advisory committee. His reaction of shock to the news about Gatlin’s positive test was common in the track and field community.
“Of all the people who ever tested positive, Justin was never a name that came up prior to testing positive,” he says. “He was not a typically flamboyant sprinter as some of those guys can be. He was a very nice, humble guy. That was a quality that made him very likeable on the international circuit. It really caught a lot of people off guard.”
Two-time U.S. Olympian Darvis Patton, who ran in the 100-meter final at the 2008 Beijing Games at the age of 30, says he thought news of Gatlin testing positive was a rumor. “Guys that tested positive in the past were kind of prima donnas,” Patton says. “When they tested positive, it was like, ‘whatever.’ But when Justin tested positive, it was, ‘ah, no, not Gat’ ”.
U.S. runner Moushoumi Robinson, a gold medalist in the 4x400-meter relay at the 2004 Athens Olympics, was a training partner with Gatlin under coach Trevor Graham at the Sprint Capitol Track Club and called Gatlin a great friend who she “loves dearly”. She says it’s still hard to believe that Gatlin tested positive for a banned substance.
“I remember a conversation that Justin and I had after it happened,” she says. “I asked him straight up, ‘what happened?’ He absolutely said, ‘I have no idea.’ I was shocked.”
It hasn’t helped Gatlin that he chose to stay with a Graham after the coach admitted sending a drug-tainted syringe to federal authorities in 2003, triggering the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO) investigation, and after several of Graham’s athletes were linked to BALCO.
Many of Graham’s former athletes, including former Olympic sprint champion Marion Jones, claim Graham supplied them with banned performance enhancing substances. Graham denies culpability for his athletes’ testing positive and was later found guilty of lying to federal authorities investigating BALCO.
A person who has worked with some of Graham’s athletes and knows the coach well says Graham’s claims of innocence lack credibility. “There’s not another coach out there with that many athletes who tested positive and all of them are lying and you’re just a victim? That doesn’t add up,” he says. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.
Gatlin did not feel suspicious of Graham. “I felt that he wasn’t giving me anything and I wasn’t taking anything for him,” he says. "He wasn’t putting his hands on me. And early in the 2005 season we sat down together as a team. He was saying 'I’m not wrapped up in that stuff.' It was reassuring. A lot of us were so focused on running."
Asafa Powell set the 100-meter world record in June 2005, 10 months before Gatlin tested positive. At the time of the positive test, Jamaican Asafa Powell was the world record holder in the 100 meters whiel Gatlin held the world title and Olympic gold.
Was the temptation to be the undeniable king of the sprints enough for Gatlin to use drugs, even unknowingly? Is Gatlin a victim of convoluted circumstances that were out of his control? Or is he a uniquely gifted con man who has fooled us with his appealing personality and impassioned claim of innocence?
One thing is certain. He headlines a cast of characters that comprise a mysteriously compelling, confusing and complex track and field drama.
Mon May 11, 2009 By Dave Ungrady/Universal Sports
Doping i Sport 2009
fredag 8 maj 2009
DESPITE complaints by many global sports stars and some federations about the invasiveness of the latest whereabouts rule of World Anti-doping Agency (WADA), Jamaica's current most successful female athlete Veronica Campbell-Brown is unperturbed.Campbell-Brown, who has amassed 10 global medals - five in the Olympics and five at the World Championship level - says dope-testing comes with the territory of her job.
"Even If I don't agree, there's nothing I can do, I just have to comply," Campbell told the Observer.
Only Merlene Ottey with 22 global medals - eight at the Olympics and 14 in the World Championships - has won more silverware than Campbell-Brown.
The sprinter, who will celebrate her 27th birthday on May 15, was recently in Jamaica as part of the IAAF's 'Day in the Life' programme, which involved eight journalists from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and the Bahamas getting a rare glimpse into the athlete's background and upbringing.
The stringent WADA rules stipulate that professional athletes in most sports including track and field and football, give three months' notice of their location for one hour each day - seven days a week - between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm, to undergo out-of-competition drug testing. The information is registered online and can be updated by e-mail or text message.
"I give my one-hour in the mornings before I go to training," explained Campbell-Brown, who lives in Claremont, Florida.
"So whenever I'm being drug-tested it's before I go on the track, so the testers normally come to my home in that one-hour window early in the morning," added the Lance Brauman-coached sprinter.
Campbell-Brown, who has two silver medals from the 2002 and 2006 Commonwealth Games, disclosed that she had been tested six times prior to sustaining a toe injury, which kept her out of action for four weeks up to May 30.
"At the beginning of the year, I had one-week where they came three times in a row, so I've been tested maybe six times (this year)," she said.
Her agent, Claude Bryan of On Track Management, told the Observer that his charge fully understands that doping control goes hand-in-hand with professional sport.
"Veronica understands also that if you put on your spikes, there are rules. You must understand that you will be tested (and) it may be blood test and we have no problem with that," Bryan said, indicating that athletes in track and field and other sports need to fall in line or find other professions.
Last month, the European Union faced increased calls to force WADA into softening its out-of-competition drug-testing rules following a report criticising the latter for alleged privacy violations.
The Associated Press reported that: "An independent EU advisory panel said that anti-doping controllers in the 27-nation EU must 'disregard' the WADA code when its rules contradict domestic law."
In march, FIFA president Joseph Blatter was strident in opposition to WADA's out-of-competition testing rules saying that federations were jointly combating doping, but this should not turn into a "witch hunt".
BY KAYON RAYNOR, Senior staff reporter
Friday, May 08, 2009
(Photo: Getty Images)
"Even If I don't agree, there's nothing I can do, I just have to comply," Campbell told the Observer.
Only Merlene Ottey with 22 global medals - eight at the Olympics and 14 in the World Championships - has won more silverware than Campbell-Brown.
The sprinter, who will celebrate her 27th birthday on May 15, was recently in Jamaica as part of the IAAF's 'Day in the Life' programme, which involved eight journalists from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and the Bahamas getting a rare glimpse into the athlete's background and upbringing.
The stringent WADA rules stipulate that professional athletes in most sports including track and field and football, give three months' notice of their location for one hour each day - seven days a week - between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm, to undergo out-of-competition drug testing. The information is registered online and can be updated by e-mail or text message.
"I give my one-hour in the mornings before I go to training," explained Campbell-Brown, who lives in Claremont, Florida.
"So whenever I'm being drug-tested it's before I go on the track, so the testers normally come to my home in that one-hour window early in the morning," added the Lance Brauman-coached sprinter.
Campbell-Brown, who has two silver medals from the 2002 and 2006 Commonwealth Games, disclosed that she had been tested six times prior to sustaining a toe injury, which kept her out of action for four weeks up to May 30.
"At the beginning of the year, I had one-week where they came three times in a row, so I've been tested maybe six times (this year)," she said.
Her agent, Claude Bryan of On Track Management, told the Observer that his charge fully understands that doping control goes hand-in-hand with professional sport.
"Veronica understands also that if you put on your spikes, there are rules. You must understand that you will be tested (and) it may be blood test and we have no problem with that," Bryan said, indicating that athletes in track and field and other sports need to fall in line or find other professions.
Last month, the European Union faced increased calls to force WADA into softening its out-of-competition drug-testing rules following a report criticising the latter for alleged privacy violations.
The Associated Press reported that: "An independent EU advisory panel said that anti-doping controllers in the 27-nation EU must 'disregard' the WADA code when its rules contradict domestic law."
In march, FIFA president Joseph Blatter was strident in opposition to WADA's out-of-competition testing rules saying that federations were jointly combating doping, but this should not turn into a "witch hunt".
BY KAYON RAYNOR, Senior staff reporter
Friday, May 08, 2009
(Photo: Getty Images)
Dopingdebatt 2009
Ramirez avstängd 50 matcher - Ramirez själv hävdar att det handlar om ett missförstånd
En av basebollvärldens allra största stjärnor, Manny Ramirez, stängs av 50 matcher för dopning. Ramirez som tillhör Los Angeles Dodgers i Major league baseball (MLB) stängs av med omedelbar verkan och blir borta från spel fram till 3 juli.
– Han gav mig en medicin, inte steroider, vilken han trodde var ok. Olyckligt nog omfattades medicinen av vår nya drogpolicy. Jag har blivit tillsagd att jag inte ska säga mer nu men jag vill tillägga att jag tagit – och klarat – 15 tester de senaste fem säsongerna, sade Ramirez enligt ESPN.
Ramirez som fyller 37 år i juni är Dodgers största stjärna och högst delaktig i att klubben vunnit 13 raka matcher på hemmaplan och har haft bäst säsongsinledning av alla i MLB.Ramirez blir nu den tredje spelaren i MLB i år som stängs av sedam ligan infört en ny drogpolicy.
Publicerat 2009-05-07 19:14
– Han gav mig en medicin, inte steroider, vilken han trodde var ok. Olyckligt nog omfattades medicinen av vår nya drogpolicy. Jag har blivit tillsagd att jag inte ska säga mer nu men jag vill tillägga att jag tagit – och klarat – 15 tester de senaste fem säsongerna, sade Ramirez enligt ESPN.
Ramirez som fyller 37 år i juni är Dodgers största stjärna och högst delaktig i att klubben vunnit 13 raka matcher på hemmaplan och har haft bäst säsongsinledning av alla i MLB.Ramirez blir nu den tredje spelaren i MLB i år som stängs av sedam ligan infört en ny drogpolicy.
Publicerat 2009-05-07 19:14
Doping i Sport 2009
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