WADA seeks special meeting
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -The World Anti-Doping Agency has invited athletes' groups for a meeting to defend the whereabouts rule for out-of-competition drug testing, a statute that has drawn increasing criticism and a court challenge.
Tennis star Rafael Nadal became the most outspoken critic of the system this week, insisting that forcing top athletes to be available one hour a day for testing amounted to intolerable harassment. In Belgium, 65 athletes even filed a court challenge.WADA director general David Howman said the new system is actually an improvement and should make life easier on athletes instead of turning them into victims of round-the-clock doping supervision. He said athletes should study the rules themselves. And if that is not sufficient, "give me a call, or come to one of the meetings. Find out something more before you open your mouth,'' Howman told the Associated Press on Thursday in a telephone interview from Montreal."There are things that need to be learned, we appreciate that,'' Howman added. "But make sure you learn all the information before you criticize it.''On Wednesday, Howman sent out invitations to several athletes' groups, representing thousands of elite competitors, to come together and together go over the new rules, which kicked in this year.Under the latest WADA code, athletes must specify one hour each day when and where they can be located for testing. Athletes must also tell anti-doping authorities where they will be over the next three months, but they can update this by e-mail or phone message at short notice if it changes."To have to send a message or be concerned all day long if there is a last-minute change seems to me to be totally excessive,'' Nadal said in a New York Times article.The Belgian athletes claim the rule is an invasion of privacy, building their court challenge on the fundamental right to privacy. Howman said that all through the rule-making process, WADA took special care not to make the measures excessive."We took legal advice to make sure that all the provisions were obeying the laws of proportionality,'' he said. Howman insisted, however, that efficient out-of-competition testing is a cornerstone of anti-doping controls. To catch cheats, short-notice tests are essential since many illegal substances can become untraceable within 24 hours. To perform such tests, WADA needs to know at all times where and when athletes can be traced.Under the rules, three missed tests or three warnings for failing to file whereabouts information within an 18-month period constitute a doping violation and can lead to athletes being banned. Some athletes complain they cannot go to the movies as they please or unexpectedly go out for breakfast without proper warning. Howman insists everything is possible with a certain amount of planning."The system is far more flexible than they lead to believe,'' Howman said. If they do not take time or effort to apply anti-doping rules "they are not being responsible either to their sport or to the other players they are competing with.''The fear is that if the challenge of the Belgian athletes is successful, it could undermine the work of WADA as a precedent.The Belgians and Nadal complained that sports with a perceived minimal history of doping were targeted as much as those where doping among the top stars has proved rife."I would not want to say that any sport has been untouched by doping,'' Howman said.
fredag 30 januari 2009
onsdag 28 januari 2009
IOC and EU sports leaders meet to begin new era of accord
LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Olympic leaders met with European Union officials Monday to develop closer relations between the sports and political worlds.
Sports federations want control to run their own affairs protected from the EU's free market competition laws, while also seeking help from the political bloc's 27-member countries to fight doping, corruption and illegal betting. The meeting, which lasted nearly two hours at the International Olympic Committee headquarters - was led by IOC president Jacques Rogge and EU sports commissioner Jan Figel.
"We had a very good dialogue," Rogge told The Associated Press. "I have great gratitude for the commissioner for the way he is opening up the door to our advice and our proposals." Figel said the agenda of sport was more central to political debate in Europe than ever before. "What we need is a theme-by-theme approach to specific topics like the fight against doping, free movement of persons in the area of sport, and financing of sport, especially at the grass roots," he said. Rogge said while sports federations must be left to make their own rules and regulate the field of play, lawmakers' support was needed in other areas."Cracking down on drug networks, doping networks, can only be done with governments where the commission in Brussels can have a co-ordinating role," he said. "It is clear that illegal betting cannot be fought alone by the sports movement."We need the support of the member states. We also need the support of the commission to create this exchange of information and harmony."The IOC will build on this new accord by opening an office in Brussels next month to lobby the EU Commission at its headquarters.
"It speaks by itself about the growing intensity of dialogue between us," Figel said.
The two sides have searched for common ground since the EU published a July 2007 paper outlining ideas on how pro sports could operate within anti-monopoly and labour laws. The EU's Lisbon Treaty of Oct. 2007 then supported legal exemptions for sport by recognizing its "specific nature" - namely, its financial structure distributing money from rich clubs down to poorer ones and its social role in educating young people. Monday's meeting was called after a summit of sports leaders and EU sport ministers in Biarritz, France, last November led to European heads of state requesting a stronger dialogue with the IOC. Among those attending in Lausanne were IOC executive board members Denis Oswald and Rene Fasel and FIFA president Sepp Blatter, an IOC member in his role as head of football's world governing body.
Sports federations want control to run their own affairs protected from the EU's free market competition laws, while also seeking help from the political bloc's 27-member countries to fight doping, corruption and illegal betting. The meeting, which lasted nearly two hours at the International Olympic Committee headquarters - was led by IOC president Jacques Rogge and EU sports commissioner Jan Figel.
"We had a very good dialogue," Rogge told The Associated Press. "I have great gratitude for the commissioner for the way he is opening up the door to our advice and our proposals." Figel said the agenda of sport was more central to political debate in Europe than ever before. "What we need is a theme-by-theme approach to specific topics like the fight against doping, free movement of persons in the area of sport, and financing of sport, especially at the grass roots," he said. Rogge said while sports federations must be left to make their own rules and regulate the field of play, lawmakers' support was needed in other areas."Cracking down on drug networks, doping networks, can only be done with governments where the commission in Brussels can have a co-ordinating role," he said. "It is clear that illegal betting cannot be fought alone by the sports movement."We need the support of the member states. We also need the support of the commission to create this exchange of information and harmony."The IOC will build on this new accord by opening an office in Brussels next month to lobby the EU Commission at its headquarters.
"It speaks by itself about the growing intensity of dialogue between us," Figel said.
The two sides have searched for common ground since the EU published a July 2007 paper outlining ideas on how pro sports could operate within anti-monopoly and labour laws. The EU's Lisbon Treaty of Oct. 2007 then supported legal exemptions for sport by recognizing its "specific nature" - namely, its financial structure distributing money from rich clubs down to poorer ones and its social role in educating young people. Monday's meeting was called after a summit of sports leaders and EU sport ministers in Biarritz, France, last November led to European heads of state requesting a stronger dialogue with the IOC. Among those attending in Lausanne were IOC executive board members Denis Oswald and Rene Fasel and FIFA president Sepp Blatter, an IOC member in his role as head of football's world governing body.
Idrotten i Debatt 2009
tisdag 27 januari 2009
Athletes to face new doping rules

Grey-Thompson's measures will send a strong signal to athletes
Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson's anti-doping review for UK Athletics has called for tough new measures to tackle drugs. They include a period of international exclusion after doping bans, financial penalties for missed drugs tests, and a clear rehabilitation programme. The review, conducted over six months, came up with 22 recommendations which have been adopted by the UKA board. UKA chief executive Niels de Vos said they would deliver "absolute clarity" for athletes on the misuse of drugs.
"The deterrent just got much stronger," he warned.
"These recommendations mean that any athlete stupid enough to [break the rules] will not only destroy their career as an athlete, but also any future one in the sport as an administrator or coach."
Grey-Thompson was joined on the review panel by former athletes Ed Moses and Colin Jackson, sports PR guru Mike Lee and UK Sport's anti-drugs chief John Scott.´
"It's important to note the extent to which British athletes are demonstrating their commitment to our rigorous anti-doping programme"
UKA boss Niels de Vos
In addition to a general request for submissions from the public, over 400 stakeholders were contacted, including athletes, coaches, other national governing bodies, politicians and journalists. Grey-Thompson said: "What was very clear was that internationally we are all operating at very different standards, and UKA needs to continue to lobby to achieve harmonisation. "There was also widespread support, especially from current athletes, for a four-year ban, and this is something we need to collectively push for." De Vos said: "Since I commissioned the review, the anti-doping landscape has changed drastically, supporting our initial observations.
"Euromeets [promoters] will no longer allow athletes with two-year bans to compete in their events, the major shoe companies will not endorse these athletes, and recently big agents have taken a decision not to represent athletes who have a serious doping conviction. "Additionally, I think it's important to note the extent to which British athletes are demonstrating their commitment to our rigorous anti-doping programme. "There are now no GB athletes on two missed tests and 10 athletes on one missed test. "Our ambition now is to get that down to zero, but we have come a long way over the last 12 months."
Doping i Sport 2009
måndag 26 januari 2009
Skidskytteglädje och Stjärtvick!

Ögonblicket hon ställer sig där slutar vi andas. Fokuseringen total och den för mig okontrollerade nervöshet gör sig påmind då jag själv känner att nu, nu jäklar gäller det. - Kom igen, Helena! Bom! Aha!!! Men vad gör det. Ledarinnan Neuner fick 5! Likt en Piltscher kopia rusar jag efter henne. Heja, heja - öka!! Kom igen! Barn och man lika entusiastiska och eftermiddagskaffet blir en halvljum belöning när hon äntligen går imål. 2:a, men en segrare! Vinterstudion är en succeé och våra sidåkande förebilder ger oss spänning, dramatik och glädje som väl aldrig skådats. Iallafall inte på länge. Vi naglar oss fast, 2,3,8 timmar framför tv:n och inspireras till att damma av skidor och ladda. Min dotter är 5. Ifjol upptäckte hon Skidskytte. Som Lotta på Bråkmakargatan förklarade hon att skate-åkning är likt slalom. Man svänger lite höger, lite vänster och vickar lite på stjärten så är det klart. Det enda hon var en smula bekymmrad över var bössan. Det är ju, trots allt, del av utrustningen. Vår granne heter Börje. En underbart kreativ handyman som fixar det mesta så när min dotter påpekade detta dilemma fanns det en snabb lösning. Av en snyggt hyvlad planka skapades en bössa och av ett lämpligt avsågat platsrör det oh så viktiga siktet. Remmar nitades fast och paketet var komplett. En fröjd för ögat var denna varelses kämparanda då hon fram och åter, samt med en runda av och till, formligen flög fram. Vickde så snyggt på stjärt, slängde sig i diverse snödrivor, laddade och sköt. Pam, pam, pam, pam, pam. Full house. På med bössa och full fart igen. Hon strålade. Vi älskar att inspireras och våra barn är tydliga exempel på att förebilder skapar betydelse och en närvaro som är enorm. "Dom kan" och "jag vill" mentaliteten skapas. Vi måste värna om den styrka vi förebilder besitter. Jag är så stolt över att kalla er alla; Mina ambassadörer.
Ren Idrott//Mia
Idrotten i Debatt 2009
torsdag 22 januari 2009
Kalla Pris(er) och Glädjetårar.

Vid den 10:e Svenska Idrottsgalan i Globen fanns Ren Idrott på plats och njöt verkligen av en fartfylld och trevlig kväll. På plats för att hyllas, våra ambassdörer och medarbetare. Vad sägs om Årets prestation", Charlotte Kallas "Tour de Ski"-seger samt en 6:e plats på Jerringomröstningen för Stefan Holm. Och han fick - som Kajsa i fjol - en rejäl stående ovation från Globensalongen när han kom in på scenen för att agera prisutdelare. Även Carolina Klüft hade fått uppdrag som prisutdelare, i hennes fall för det ytterst exklusiva "Idrottsakademins Hederspris". Carolina svarade för ett engagerat och personligt presentationstal för pristagaren Prof. Arne Ljungqvist. I fokus stod förstås hans drygt trettio år som outtröttlig dopingbekämpare på internationell och nationell nivå där vi på Ren Idrott är oerhört stolta och glada för det arbete och stöd han ger till stiftelsen.
fredag 16 januari 2009
The Role of Drugs
MetroNews Talkline
Morgantown, Monongalia County // Professor John Hoberman: The Use of Drugs
"This is, I think, one of the momentous issues that the human race is going to be facing in the 21st Century." That's how Doctor John Hoberman, Chair of the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, describes the question of what role drugs will play in our society.
It's a question, he says, for everyone from scientists to athletes.
"What I claim is that you cannot really understand an elite athlete's use of drugs and the regulation of an elite athlete's use of performance enhancing drugs unless....you situate it within a much larger context of drug use," Hoberman said on Wednesday's MetroNews Talkline.
He says there are any number of ways 'performance enhancing' could be defined and, he says, that could include any number of drugs with drugs being used these days to treat everything from anxiety to erectile dysfunction. It could be argued treating those conditions and any number of other conditions will enhance performance.
Hoberman spoke Wednesday at West Virginia University's Coliseum as part of a lecture series from the International Center for Performance Excellence in WVU's College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
He talked about "The Myth of Olympic Purity: Political Games from Berlin to Beijing." Hoberman has done extensive research on the ways sports, politics, science, public opinion, the Olympics and doping in sports intersect.
Hoberman has written a number of books including "Testosterone Dreams: Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping" and "The Olympic Crisis: Sport, Politics and the Moral Order."
Morgantown, Monongalia County // Professor John Hoberman: The Use of Drugs
"This is, I think, one of the momentous issues that the human race is going to be facing in the 21st Century." That's how Doctor John Hoberman, Chair of the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, describes the question of what role drugs will play in our society.
It's a question, he says, for everyone from scientists to athletes.
"What I claim is that you cannot really understand an elite athlete's use of drugs and the regulation of an elite athlete's use of performance enhancing drugs unless....you situate it within a much larger context of drug use," Hoberman said on Wednesday's MetroNews Talkline.
He says there are any number of ways 'performance enhancing' could be defined and, he says, that could include any number of drugs with drugs being used these days to treat everything from anxiety to erectile dysfunction. It could be argued treating those conditions and any number of other conditions will enhance performance.
Hoberman spoke Wednesday at West Virginia University's Coliseum as part of a lecture series from the International Center for Performance Excellence in WVU's College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
He talked about "The Myth of Olympic Purity: Political Games from Berlin to Beijing." Hoberman has done extensive research on the ways sports, politics, science, public opinion, the Olympics and doping in sports intersect.
Hoberman has written a number of books including "Testosterone Dreams: Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping" and "The Olympic Crisis: Sport, Politics and the Moral Order."
Doping i Sport 2009
Couch-Potato Drugs Are WADA’s First Banned for Gene-Doping Ties!
Jan. 14 -- Two drugs that activate genetic switches, fooling the body into believing it has exercised, are the first to be added to the Olympic sports prohibited list for their ties to gene doping. The drugs, whose effects were first disclosed in a report published online by the journal Cell on July 31, were added to the nine-page list issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency under the “Gene Doping” classification as of Jan. 1. It’s a category that is likely to grow over the next five to 10 years, said Dr. Gary Wadler, who heads WADA’s Prohibited List Committee, as gene therapy becomes “part of the matrix of what physicians have to treat patients.”
“There’s gene-therapy stuff going on in research labs everywhere in the world,” Wadler said in an interview at his Manhasset, New York, office. “I think they’re going to cause breakthroughs, and those breakthroughs, if they have any application to enhance athletic performance, then you’ll ultimately see it banned.”
One of the drugs is a synthetic protein called Aicar that, when given to mice, improved endurance by 44 percent after four weeks, even without exercise. The other is an experimental medicine made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, GW1516, which remodeled the mice’s skeletal muscle and raised their endurance levels by 75 percent when the animals also ran on a treadmill.
WADA’s 2009 prohibited list includes nearly 70 anabolic steroids; about 60 stimulants; hormones; diuretics and other masking agents; blood-doping methods; and several narcotics. The Montreal-based agency oversees anti-drug programs for Olympic-level sports.
Läs Tips!
"Increased submaximal insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in mouse skeletal muscle after treadmill exercise"
Taku Hamada, Edward B. Arias, and Gregory D. Cartee
Muscle Biology Laboratory, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan //Submitted 7 April 2006 ; accepted in final form 21 June 2006
“There’s gene-therapy stuff going on in research labs everywhere in the world,” Wadler said in an interview at his Manhasset, New York, office. “I think they’re going to cause breakthroughs, and those breakthroughs, if they have any application to enhance athletic performance, then you’ll ultimately see it banned.”
One of the drugs is a synthetic protein called Aicar that, when given to mice, improved endurance by 44 percent after four weeks, even without exercise. The other is an experimental medicine made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, GW1516, which remodeled the mice’s skeletal muscle and raised their endurance levels by 75 percent when the animals also ran on a treadmill.
WADA’s 2009 prohibited list includes nearly 70 anabolic steroids; about 60 stimulants; hormones; diuretics and other masking agents; blood-doping methods; and several narcotics. The Montreal-based agency oversees anti-drug programs for Olympic-level sports.
Läs Tips!
"Increased submaximal insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in mouse skeletal muscle after treadmill exercise"
Taku Hamada, Edward B. Arias, and Gregory D. Cartee
Muscle Biology Laboratory, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan //Submitted 7 April 2006 ; accepted in final form 21 June 2006
Doping i Sport 2009
tisdag 13 januari 2009
Doping i Sport Headlines!
Track star Iljo Keisse has been sacked by his Topsport Vlaanderen team after returning a positive dope test at the Ghent Six in November, which he won with team-mate Robert Bartko. Keisse tested positive for a stimulant, cathine, and also for a diuretic substance that can be used to mask other doping products. The sample was taken during the final evening of racing at the Ghent Six track event in Belgium on November 23.
Second Italian woman cyclist tests positive for doping
Italian track cyclist Annalisa Cucinotta tested positive for an anabolic steroid in December, the Gazzetta dello Sport said on Sunday. According to the sports newspaper, the 22-year-old failed the test after a World Cup event in Cali, Colombia on December 12.Cucinotta becomes the second Italian woman cyclist after ex-road world champion Marta Bastianelli to test for a stimulant.Bastianelli missed the Olympic Games in Beijing in August due to her offence.
Voters Cannot Forgive or Forget Suspicions of McGwire’s Drug Use
The public shunning of Mark McGwire continues.On a day when Rickey Henderson and Jim Rice were voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on Monday, maybe it sounds vindictive to dwell upon the rejection of McGwire for the third consecutive year, but he brought it on himself. The country is taking a look at who played us for suckers, and the scrutiny might as well include athletes.McGwire was turned down again although he is eighth all-time with 583 home runs. Normally, that would be enough to get anybody elected to the Hall, but times have not been normal since players’ shoulders began merging with their enlarged craniums back in the mid-‘90’s.
Grand Jury Convened in Clemens Case
Federal prosecutors have taken the next step in their perjury investigation of Roger Clemens and have convened a grand jury in Washington, according to people briefed on the matter. Kirk Radomski, the convicted steroid dealer who supplied Clemens’ s personal trainer Brian McNamee with performance-enhancing drugs, is among those who have been subpoenaed. The disclosure of the grand jury marks a new stage in the investigation of Clemens, who has been under investigation by the Department of Justice for the past 11 months after he testified before Congress that he had never used performance-enhancing drugs.
High School Doping Test Programs Finding Few Violators
Prompted by alarming statistics and a national scandal, testing programs in three states show that steroid use does not seem to be widespread among teens.Statewide Testing Yields Few Positive Results in Texas. By the end of the current school year, up to50,000 high school athletes in Texas will have been tested for steroid use. So far, four positive results have been found, and another 22 students broke testing rules—they had an unexcused absence on testing day, refused to provide a urine sample or “left the testing area without approval,” the Associated Press reported.
Doping Deficit Disorder, Need performance-enhancing drugs? Claim ADHD.
Would you like to take performance-enhancing drugs to boost your pro sports career? Are the drugs banned as a form of cheating? No problem. Just find a doctor willing to certify that you have a "deficit" of the performance factor in question.
That's what seems to be happening in Major League Baseball.
Support for new drug code
THE AFL Players Association has welcomed a new drugs code that requires players to nominate a daily time when they can be tested, although athletes from international sports are less enthusiastic.The new World Anti-Doping Authority code came into effect on January 1, and stipulates athletes must provide information on their daily whereabouts and nominate an hour when they are available.AFLPA boss Brendon Gale said it was consistent with football's hard line on drugs. "The AFL has a very strong record of compliance. Its anti-doping code and its measures are cutting edge and they are very serious about ensuring that players are playing at a level playing field.
German 800M Runner Herms Found Dead
Rena Herms, one of Germany's most decorated 800m runners, was found dead Saturday at his home, according to a report posted at the German athletics federation website, Leichtathletik.de. He was 26 years old, and the cause of his death was not immediately known.
Track star Iljo Keisse has been sacked by his Topsport Vlaanderen team after returning a positive dope test at the Ghent Six in November, which he won with team-mate Robert Bartko. Keisse tested positive for a stimulant, cathine, and also for a diuretic substance that can be used to mask other doping products. The sample was taken during the final evening of racing at the Ghent Six track event in Belgium on November 23.
Second Italian woman cyclist tests positive for doping
Italian track cyclist Annalisa Cucinotta tested positive for an anabolic steroid in December, the Gazzetta dello Sport said on Sunday. According to the sports newspaper, the 22-year-old failed the test after a World Cup event in Cali, Colombia on December 12.Cucinotta becomes the second Italian woman cyclist after ex-road world champion Marta Bastianelli to test for a stimulant.Bastianelli missed the Olympic Games in Beijing in August due to her offence.
Voters Cannot Forgive or Forget Suspicions of McGwire’s Drug Use
The public shunning of Mark McGwire continues.On a day when Rickey Henderson and Jim Rice were voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on Monday, maybe it sounds vindictive to dwell upon the rejection of McGwire for the third consecutive year, but he brought it on himself. The country is taking a look at who played us for suckers, and the scrutiny might as well include athletes.McGwire was turned down again although he is eighth all-time with 583 home runs. Normally, that would be enough to get anybody elected to the Hall, but times have not been normal since players’ shoulders began merging with their enlarged craniums back in the mid-‘90’s.
Grand Jury Convened in Clemens Case
Federal prosecutors have taken the next step in their perjury investigation of Roger Clemens and have convened a grand jury in Washington, according to people briefed on the matter. Kirk Radomski, the convicted steroid dealer who supplied Clemens’ s personal trainer Brian McNamee with performance-enhancing drugs, is among those who have been subpoenaed. The disclosure of the grand jury marks a new stage in the investigation of Clemens, who has been under investigation by the Department of Justice for the past 11 months after he testified before Congress that he had never used performance-enhancing drugs.
High School Doping Test Programs Finding Few Violators
Prompted by alarming statistics and a national scandal, testing programs in three states show that steroid use does not seem to be widespread among teens.Statewide Testing Yields Few Positive Results in Texas. By the end of the current school year, up to50,000 high school athletes in Texas will have been tested for steroid use. So far, four positive results have been found, and another 22 students broke testing rules—they had an unexcused absence on testing day, refused to provide a urine sample or “left the testing area without approval,” the Associated Press reported.
Doping Deficit Disorder, Need performance-enhancing drugs? Claim ADHD.
Would you like to take performance-enhancing drugs to boost your pro sports career? Are the drugs banned as a form of cheating? No problem. Just find a doctor willing to certify that you have a "deficit" of the performance factor in question.
That's what seems to be happening in Major League Baseball.
Support for new drug code
THE AFL Players Association has welcomed a new drugs code that requires players to nominate a daily time when they can be tested, although athletes from international sports are less enthusiastic.The new World Anti-Doping Authority code came into effect on January 1, and stipulates athletes must provide information on their daily whereabouts and nominate an hour when they are available.AFLPA boss Brendon Gale said it was consistent with football's hard line on drugs. "The AFL has a very strong record of compliance. Its anti-doping code and its measures are cutting edge and they are very serious about ensuring that players are playing at a level playing field.
German 800M Runner Herms Found Dead
Rena Herms, one of Germany's most decorated 800m runners, was found dead Saturday at his home, according to a report posted at the German athletics federation website, Leichtathletik.de. He was 26 years old, and the cause of his death was not immediately known.
Doping i Sport 2009
måndag 12 januari 2009
Snacka om Ren Idrott...

...då den är som bäst. Glittrande snö och solen så gyllene att Bonds Goldfinger vart avundsjuk. Lördagen hade vaknat till liv och planen var att spendera denna i en av ortens skidområden. Packad till max med smörgåsar,varm choklad, frukt och den absoluta must have grillkorv, stuvades bilen full med nödvändig utrustning samt barn. Att alla strålade ikapp med solen och den behagliga temperaturen på -2 uppmanade intesivt till att sätta fart såg till att bilen formligen flög fram och upp. Lika intensivt som packning 20 minuter innan, lika burdust ramlade sedan allt lika fort ut och innan jag ens hann lokaliserat alla pjäxor och stavar, ryggsäckar, stjärtlappar och hjälmar försvann barnaskaran och snowracers upp för första pulkbacken.- Ah! Spontan vinterlek! Det bekymmrar mig mycket att läsa den debattartikel som publicerades på DN/RI Blogg den 8/1 där man talar om en spontanlek som är död och barn som sällan improviserar till lek. Jag kan i mycket hålla med. Vi har idag en otrolig konkurrens om våra barns intresse och aktiviter som lockar handlar mycket om det digitala informations samhälle vi lever i. Leken är simulerad och miljöerna datoriserad. Barnens egen fantasi och förmåga att skapa lek avtar. När inget händer - då har man tråkigt! Vi har ochså "alla måsten" i vårt hus. Fortfarande har jag dålig koll på Nintendo DS/UBFunkies och det nyaste inom film men mina barn och då är alla 3 under 8, dom vet. Informerade via data, tv, kompisar och media hålls det stenhård koll på must have och vad som krävs. Trycket av inpumpande information måste vara enorm. Nu säger man att barn är som svampar och suger i sig allt, och det är bra. Men, Vi har ett oerhört ansvar och jag vet själv hur svårt det är att som förälder säga nej och själv motivera mig till att initiera. Men det bör vara ett krav på vår föräldra-CV.I vårt hem finns ett schema och tidsram på hur länge man får finnas i den digitala/analoga världen per dag. Fungerar mycket väl. Ibland går vi inte ens dit! Att se spontanlek är en belöning och ett nöje och lördagen blev en sån dag... en sån då vi aldrig gick dit. Rödblommiga och svarta av den välgrillade delikata korven luktade vi mer kolmila än frisk luft men aldrig har vi väl mått så bra som då. Spontanlek, - Ah, snacka om Ren Idrott.
Ren Idrott/Mia
Idrotten i Debatt 2009
fredag 9 januari 2009
Sverige – ett idrottsligt u-land
Publicerad: 2009-01-08 Aftonbladet Debatt
Holm, Klüft m fl: På 56:e plats i OS och nästan ingen skolidrott – en slump?
I efterdyningarna av sommarens OS och i ljuset av tv-serien ”Toppform utmanar skolan” undrar vi vart debatten har tagit vägen. Det har varit oerhört skrämmande att se hur otränade och ohälsosamma en vanlig niondeklass i dagens Sverige är. Samtidigt som det är upplyftande att inse att det finns en enkel lösning. Finns det ett samband mellan Sveriges skrala insats i OS och den kraftigt nedskurna timplanen för idrott och hälsa i skolan? Sverige tog fem medaljer, inget guld, och hamnade på 56:e plats i medaljligan som toppades av värdlandet Kina. Hur är det möjligt att länder som befolkningsmässigt är ganska lika oss, eller har mycket färre invånare, som Danmark, Slovenien, Nya Zeeland – listan kan göras lång som ni förstår – är före oss. Att vi är ett vinterland och hävdar oss bättre i vintersport är en förklaring, men hur bortser vi då från att både Norge och Finland hamnar före oss i statistiken?
Vi inser naturligtvis också att marginalerna är små och att skillnaden mellan succé och fiasko ibland är en millimeter eller en tusendel av en sekund. Kanske är den populära slumpen en avgörande faktor. Men vi tänker ändå hissa varningsflagg och påstå att vi i Sverige håller på att gräva vår egen idrottsgrav. Vi håller på att bli ett u-land inom idrott och hälsa. Detta gör vi genom att ignorera det faktum att vi är nästan sämst i Europa vad gäller idrottstimmar i skolan. Detta gör vi genom att ignorera det faktum att våra barn varje dag tillbringar mer tid framför en skärm av något slag än med att röra på sig. Detta gör vi genom att politikerna i medieljuset lovar att se över möjligheten att utöka antalet idrottstimmar, men aldrig kommer till beslut. Detta gör vi genom att skjutsa våra barn till skolan i stället för att gå eller cykla med dem. Listan är lång och ytterst deprimerande.
Barn som spelar en improviserad fotbollsmatch i kvarteret därhemma är numer en sällsynt företeelse. Den så kallade spontanidrotten är mer eller mindre död. Barn som sitter fastnaglade framför en tv eller en dator och spelar spel är desto vanligare. Vi är väl medvetna om datorernas och internets stora fördelar och hur de har underlättat vår vardag – men stillasittandet framför skärmen är likafullt ett problem. Speltillverkarna hävdar nu att de utvecklat spel som stimulerar rörelse och fysisk aktivitet. Samtidigt har en engelsk undersökning gjorts (undersökningen beställdes faktiskt av ett stort spelföretag) som visar att sanningen är att barn som spelar ett aktivt datorspel i stället för ett inaktivt rör sig endast 2 procent mer.* Vill vi då ha idrottsfabriker som de kinesiska där barn mer eller mindre tvingas till stenhård träning från låg ålder? Självklart inte. Men vi vill ha förutsättningar och politiska beslut som möjliggör och stimulerar barns och ungdomars fysiska rörelse. Om vi lockar fler barn att vara aktiva och att prova på sport vinner vi inte bara folkhälsopolitiskt, utan chanserna mångfaldigas också att några talanger faktiskt får upp ögonen för hur roligt det är att idrotta och kanske söker sig vidare till den organiserade idrotten. Vi kan inte se någon annan utväg än att vi drastiskt ökar antalet timmar med idrott och hälsa i skolan. Till skolan kommer alla barn och lärarna måste få en rimlig chans att köns-, nivå- och individanpassa utbildningen. Alla kan och vill inte bli elitidrottare. Alla kommer inte att växa upp och ta OS-guld. Men flertalet skulle få en bra introduktion till ett aktivt liv och de skulle minimera riskerna för problem som diabetes, benskörhet, dåligt självförtroende och fetma. EU-parlamentet antog för ett år sedan det betänkande som lades fram om att införa minst tre timmar idrott i skolan med utbildade idrottslärare. Ännu har inget hänt i Sverige. Inledningen på denna artikel kopplas till OS och elitidrott. Det här handlar dock om långt större problem än medaljligan i OS eller andra mästerskap. Det viktiga är heller inte om vi vinner noll guld eller 50 guld i kommande OS. Det viktiga är att inse att vi håller på att uppfostra en generation som möjligen tittar på sport på tv eller spelar sportspel på datorn, inte utövar den. Och att vi genom det har ett gigantiskt folkhälsoproblem på halsen.
*Studien presenteras på http://arstechnica.com
Blossom Tainton Lindquist, Niklas Wikegård, Bo Andersson, Jesper Kärrbrink, Maria Mattsson, Patrik Elfwing, Johnny Holm, Johnny Klüft
Holm, Klüft m fl: På 56:e plats i OS och nästan ingen skolidrott – en slump?
I efterdyningarna av sommarens OS och i ljuset av tv-serien ”Toppform utmanar skolan” undrar vi vart debatten har tagit vägen. Det har varit oerhört skrämmande att se hur otränade och ohälsosamma en vanlig niondeklass i dagens Sverige är. Samtidigt som det är upplyftande att inse att det finns en enkel lösning. Finns det ett samband mellan Sveriges skrala insats i OS och den kraftigt nedskurna timplanen för idrott och hälsa i skolan? Sverige tog fem medaljer, inget guld, och hamnade på 56:e plats i medaljligan som toppades av värdlandet Kina. Hur är det möjligt att länder som befolkningsmässigt är ganska lika oss, eller har mycket färre invånare, som Danmark, Slovenien, Nya Zeeland – listan kan göras lång som ni förstår – är före oss. Att vi är ett vinterland och hävdar oss bättre i vintersport är en förklaring, men hur bortser vi då från att både Norge och Finland hamnar före oss i statistiken?
Vi inser naturligtvis också att marginalerna är små och att skillnaden mellan succé och fiasko ibland är en millimeter eller en tusendel av en sekund. Kanske är den populära slumpen en avgörande faktor. Men vi tänker ändå hissa varningsflagg och påstå att vi i Sverige håller på att gräva vår egen idrottsgrav. Vi håller på att bli ett u-land inom idrott och hälsa. Detta gör vi genom att ignorera det faktum att vi är nästan sämst i Europa vad gäller idrottstimmar i skolan. Detta gör vi genom att ignorera det faktum att våra barn varje dag tillbringar mer tid framför en skärm av något slag än med att röra på sig. Detta gör vi genom att politikerna i medieljuset lovar att se över möjligheten att utöka antalet idrottstimmar, men aldrig kommer till beslut. Detta gör vi genom att skjutsa våra barn till skolan i stället för att gå eller cykla med dem. Listan är lång och ytterst deprimerande.
Barn som spelar en improviserad fotbollsmatch i kvarteret därhemma är numer en sällsynt företeelse. Den så kallade spontanidrotten är mer eller mindre död. Barn som sitter fastnaglade framför en tv eller en dator och spelar spel är desto vanligare. Vi är väl medvetna om datorernas och internets stora fördelar och hur de har underlättat vår vardag – men stillasittandet framför skärmen är likafullt ett problem. Speltillverkarna hävdar nu att de utvecklat spel som stimulerar rörelse och fysisk aktivitet. Samtidigt har en engelsk undersökning gjorts (undersökningen beställdes faktiskt av ett stort spelföretag) som visar att sanningen är att barn som spelar ett aktivt datorspel i stället för ett inaktivt rör sig endast 2 procent mer.* Vill vi då ha idrottsfabriker som de kinesiska där barn mer eller mindre tvingas till stenhård träning från låg ålder? Självklart inte. Men vi vill ha förutsättningar och politiska beslut som möjliggör och stimulerar barns och ungdomars fysiska rörelse. Om vi lockar fler barn att vara aktiva och att prova på sport vinner vi inte bara folkhälsopolitiskt, utan chanserna mångfaldigas också att några talanger faktiskt får upp ögonen för hur roligt det är att idrotta och kanske söker sig vidare till den organiserade idrotten. Vi kan inte se någon annan utväg än att vi drastiskt ökar antalet timmar med idrott och hälsa i skolan. Till skolan kommer alla barn och lärarna måste få en rimlig chans att köns-, nivå- och individanpassa utbildningen. Alla kan och vill inte bli elitidrottare. Alla kommer inte att växa upp och ta OS-guld. Men flertalet skulle få en bra introduktion till ett aktivt liv och de skulle minimera riskerna för problem som diabetes, benskörhet, dåligt självförtroende och fetma. EU-parlamentet antog för ett år sedan det betänkande som lades fram om att införa minst tre timmar idrott i skolan med utbildade idrottslärare. Ännu har inget hänt i Sverige. Inledningen på denna artikel kopplas till OS och elitidrott. Det här handlar dock om långt större problem än medaljligan i OS eller andra mästerskap. Det viktiga är heller inte om vi vinner noll guld eller 50 guld i kommande OS. Det viktiga är att inse att vi håller på att uppfostra en generation som möjligen tittar på sport på tv eller spelar sportspel på datorn, inte utövar den. Och att vi genom det har ett gigantiskt folkhälsoproblem på halsen.
*Studien presenteras på http://arstechnica.com
Blossom Tainton Lindquist, Niklas Wikegård, Bo Andersson, Jesper Kärrbrink, Maria Mattsson, Patrik Elfwing, Johnny Holm, Johnny Klüft
Idrotten i Debatt 2009
onsdag 7 januari 2009
Doping i Sport de senaste 24h i Korthet!
Belgium's Tom Boonen awaits cocaine trial decision Belgian authorities will decide next month whether former world cycling champion Tom Boonen will face trial after testing positive for cocaine last year
Dwain Chambers in line for Great Britain recall
Dwain Chambers has been offered the chance of a controversial return to the Great Britain sprint relay squad at this summer's World Championships in Berlin.
Chambers' last appearance for Britain in a relay ended in acrimony when team-mate Darren Campbell refused to join a lap of honour after victory in the 4 x 100 metres at the 2006 European Championships. But now the 30-year-old Londoner has been sounded out by Michael Khmel, UK Athletics' head coach for relays and sprints, about running the anchor leg in Germany to boost Britain's medal chances in August, after their disappointing performance at the Beijing Olympics.
Baseball Suspends Two Pitchers for Drug Use Major League Baseball’s two 50-game drug suspensions handed down on Tuesday to pitchers J.C. Romero of the Phillies and Sergio Mitre of the Yankees.
Belarusians appeal Olympic doping violations Two Belarusian hammer throwers who were stripped of their Olympic medals for doping have appealed to world sport's highest court to get them back.
International Cricket Council (ICC) has recently announced its new doping code. Previously, players were checked only in the ICC events.
But now any player can be asked at any time for a doping test. This policy is alarming for Pakistan cricket, as virtually all our great pacemen have suffered in the past due to doping charges.
FDA GRAS, Anti-Doping Added to Focus on the Future. Virgo Publishing announced new education program additions for the Focus on the Future Executive Conference and Retreat, scheduled for Jan. 20 to 23, 2009, in Scottsdale, Ariz., at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa at Gainey Ranch. The event draws executives from leading dietary supplement and food and beverage companies for a two-day education program and exclusive networking events
Two-year doping ban stands for Pavlov PFC Lokomotiv Sofia midfielder Nikolay Pavlov's appeal against a two-year ban for a doping offence has been rejected by the UEFA Appeals Body.
Record Anabolic Steroid Bust at Airport. Customs and police officials reported on Tuesday of two major drug busts at border points in Slovenia in late December. Customs officers at the Ljubljana airport seized a record 18 kilos of illegal anabolic steroids, while their colleague at the Metlika border crossing seized 16 kilos of heroin.
Dwain Chambers in line for Great Britain recall
Dwain Chambers has been offered the chance of a controversial return to the Great Britain sprint relay squad at this summer's World Championships in Berlin.
Chambers' last appearance for Britain in a relay ended in acrimony when team-mate Darren Campbell refused to join a lap of honour after victory in the 4 x 100 metres at the 2006 European Championships. But now the 30-year-old Londoner has been sounded out by Michael Khmel, UK Athletics' head coach for relays and sprints, about running the anchor leg in Germany to boost Britain's medal chances in August, after their disappointing performance at the Beijing Olympics.
Baseball Suspends Two Pitchers for Drug Use Major League Baseball’s two 50-game drug suspensions handed down on Tuesday to pitchers J.C. Romero of the Phillies and Sergio Mitre of the Yankees.
Belarusians appeal Olympic doping violations Two Belarusian hammer throwers who were stripped of their Olympic medals for doping have appealed to world sport's highest court to get them back.
International Cricket Council (ICC) has recently announced its new doping code. Previously, players were checked only in the ICC events.
But now any player can be asked at any time for a doping test. This policy is alarming for Pakistan cricket, as virtually all our great pacemen have suffered in the past due to doping charges.
FDA GRAS, Anti-Doping Added to Focus on the Future. Virgo Publishing announced new education program additions for the Focus on the Future Executive Conference and Retreat, scheduled for Jan. 20 to 23, 2009, in Scottsdale, Ariz., at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa at Gainey Ranch. The event draws executives from leading dietary supplement and food and beverage companies for a two-day education program and exclusive networking events
Two-year doping ban stands for Pavlov PFC Lokomotiv Sofia midfielder Nikolay Pavlov's appeal against a two-year ban for a doping offence has been rejected by the UEFA Appeals Body.
Record Anabolic Steroid Bust at Airport. Customs and police officials reported on Tuesday of two major drug busts at border points in Slovenia in late December. Customs officers at the Ljubljana airport seized a record 18 kilos of illegal anabolic steroids, while their colleague at the Metlika border crossing seized 16 kilos of heroin.
Doping i Sport 2009
söndag 4 januari 2009
Kyrö: "Systematisk dopningskultur i finländsk skidåkning"

Förre tränaren för finska skidlandslaget, Kari-Pekka Kyrö, avslöjar för Helsingin Sanomat att dopningen var både systematisk och känd i det finska skidförbundets högsta ledning.
Det är i den finskspråkiga dagstidningens januaribilaga som Kari-Pekka Kyrö berättar om ett utbrett fusk som pågått länge inom finsk skidåkning. Både under VM i Trondheim 1997 och i Lahtis 2001 manipulerades åkarnas blodvärden systematiskt. Han säger också att det dessutom sanktionerades under tystnad av förbundets toppskikt och flera personer namnges.Enligt Kari-Pekka Kyrö utgjordes "kärngruppen" av Pekka Vähäsöyrinki (tidigare landslagstränare och grenchef), Esa Klinga (förre skidförbunds-vd), Jari Piirainen (nuvarande skidförbunds-vd) och Antti Leppävuori (tidigare landslagstränare och grenchef, som enligt Kari-Pekka Kyrö inte tillhörde "innersta ringen").
- Jag vill dock inte tala om enskilda idrottares medicinering. Jag har ingen lust eller vilja att smutsa ner idrottare. De är systemets barn, lärjungar och slutligen offer. Klart att de också har dragit enorm nytta av det under resans lopp, men jag tycker ändå att huvudsaken är det bakomliggande systemet och ansvaret saknas helt, säger Kari-Pekka enligt Finska Notisbyrån (FNB).
Han gör ett undantag för Virpi Kuitunen som frånåktes spektakulärt av Charlotte Kalla i fjolårets Tour de Ski. Kari-Pekka Kyrö säger att han själv tryckte på en infusionspåse åt Kuitunen i Lahtis-VM 2001 där hon senare skulle avslöjas för dopning, fråntas sina medaljer och stängas av i två år.
- Man kan och måste prata om det ärligt, eftersom hon betedde sig fräckt genom att beskylla sina egna medhjälpare och personal, säger Kari-Pekka Kyrö till Helsingin Sanomat enligt FNB. Just FNB har varit tilltalad i ett utdraget och uppmärksammat rättsfall mot finska skidförbundet. Finska Centralkriminalpolisen utreder för tillfället om skidförbundspersonal ljög i rättegången 1998. Kari-Pekka Kyrö var en av dem.
- Det var ett stort misstag av mig att vara målsägande i den där FNB-grejen. Den kritiken tar jag emot. Att jatt jag då borde ha talat ut och hållit mig utanför. Samtidigt hade det satt en punkt för min tränarkarriär, säger han. Det är inte första gången Kari-Pekka Kyrö berättar om oegentligheter i det finska skidlandslaget. I somras avslöjade han dels att Bengt-Erik Bengtsson (tidigare längdåkningschef i Internationella skidförbundet) mörkat ett blodprov med förhöjt hemoglobinvärde från Virpi Kuitunen. Några dagar senare i juni 2008 sade han till finska tv-bolaget YLE att Finland och Ryssland har haft ett gemensamt dopningsprogram. Det ska han ha fått reda på 1998 då han tillträdde sin chefspost för hela landslaget, efter att ha varit damlandslagets dito under tre år. Kari-Pekka Kyrö dömdes 2004 för mened och smuggling till cirka 150.000 kronors böter. Enligt domen hade han gjort sig skyldig till att från Holland ha smugglat minst 34 doser tillväxthormon och 21 doser av det syreupptagningsförhöjande hormonet epo som man kan dölja med läkemedlet Hemohes. Under Kari-Pekka Kyrös chefskap testades sex finska skidåkare positivt för hemohes i Lahtis 2001. Kari-Pekka Kyrö fick sparken.
Publicerad 2009-01-03 11:09//DN Sport Ossi Carp
Doping i Sport 2009
fredag 2 januari 2009
Dopingskandal och avslöjande

Med önskan om en dopingfri sport 2009! //Ren Idrott Red.
Doping i Sport 2009
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